Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

1.7 Module Quiz 1

1.7 Module Quiz 1

Q Q 1. Give the four types of the earliest religious practices and either a definition or an explanation of that practice. (8pts) 2. What are four of the major characteristics of Planter-based Culture? (4pts) 3. What are four of the major characteristics of Pastoralist Culture? (4pts)4. What are four of the major characteristics of Hunter-Gatherer Culture?5. What were four major factors that contributed to the development/transition of human culture form the Hunter-Gatherer to the Planter stage? (4pts)What were the disadvantages or obstacles that had to be overcome to adopt sedentary and urban life? (4pts)7. What were the advantages that were gained by adopting sedentary and urban life? (4pts)8. Please explain what the following terms mean or refer to: (2pts each, total 8pts) 9. Please explain fully the theory of the Neolithic Revolution, and how the existence of sites like Gobeckli Tepe challenge this.

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The four types of religious practices are Totemism, Shamanism, Animism, and Ancestor Worship. Totemism is the belief that predicts the connection between the human and natural world. Shamanism is both a complex and controversial religious practice where shamans act on the behlaf of group as an intermediary to the spiritual world. Animism is the belief of perceiving the world being alive or animated. Ancestor worship can be defined in two ways one way to preserve the religious practice of the community or other way that the ancestors keep the watch over the community and they should be paid respect to avoid the natural calamities